Selected for the AIA Architecture and the City Home Tour, 2022.
This project is a multifamily infill on a prominent urban site at the intersection of 24th St and Dolores St. The project replaces a small single family home with a new 3-unit building, achieving the maximum density permitted and bringing much needed housing to this desirable area of San Francisco. The building consists of a ground floor garden unit with 3 bedrooms, optimized for an urban family, a single-level middle unit with 2 bedrooms and a walk-out terrace with views of the skyline and a two-story 4-bedroom upper unit with a reverse floorplan, positioning the kitchen/living/dining under the dramatic vaulted gable roofline.
As a corner site, this building was designed to be seen in the round and to be appreciated at the slow pace of the pedestrian as well as the faster speed of the car. Its form riffs off the gabled Edwardian across the street in order to form twin columns at the gateway between Noe Valley and the Mission. An echo through time. The materials include heat-treated silver-grey wood siding, a standing seam metal roof, a mid level in black siding, recessed to allow the upper volume to float, and a basalt stone base. The light airy interiors are customized to the needs of each unit. This is truly boutique multifamily.